今月の文化 2023年3月 春キャベツ

When spring comes, one of the items that appears in grocery stores is haru kyabetsu. You can generally buy cabbage year-round, but the type of cabbage available changes from season to season. Cabbage that is harvested in the spring has a unique flavor and texture, and so it is called “haru kyabetsu.”

Unlike cabbage harvested in the winter, haru kyabetsu is tender and sweet. It is used in salads as well as picked into asazuke. You can also see haru kyabetsu used in cooking at restaurants. I like haru kyabetsu on spaghetti with chili, garlic, and olive oil.

When you start seeing haru kyabetsu in the grocery stores, you feel “Ah, spring has come!” Seasonal foods are a major way that we can feel the change of the seasons.