今月の文化 2024年3月 高山ひな祭り

Hina Matsuri is a spring festival in which households with young girls put up their hina dolls. It usually takes place on March 3, but in Hida-Takayama it is very cold and spring comes late, so there the festival takes place on April 3.

The Takayama Hina Matsuri is celebrated from March 1 to April 3, and hotels and ryokan around Takayama display all kinds of hina dolls.

There are places where old dolls dating back to the Meiji period are displayed, as well as exhibitions of collections of hina dolls from families that no longer use them. Usually these are free to the public to see, so I’d like to go see them some time.

Takayama’s famous spots are mostly near the train station, so it’s a very convenient city. Recently it has become a popular destination for tourists from foreign countries, and so the town’s signs are written in many languages, making it easy for foreigners to get around.

今月の文化 2024年2月 さっぽろ雪まつり

The Sapporo Snow Festival is one of Japan’s big winter events. This year it took place from February 4 to 11. There was little snow this year, but they gathered snow from several areas to make the snow sculptures.

The giant snow sculptures along the main street are one of the Sapporo Snow Festival’s famous features. Every year there are snow sculptures of whatever was famous that year. They light them up at night, so it is very beautiful. This year’s themes included baseball player Ōtani Shōhei and anime characters. Even though it’s very cold, idol concerts and other events are held outdoors.

I’d like to see it some time, but it seems really crowded so I haven’t gone. Hokkaido is far from big cities like Tokyo, but it’s a very good spot for tourism. The snow in winter is beautiful, and the summers are cool and you can see lots of animals. You should definitely try visiting there.

今月の文化 2024年1月 お雑煮

Ozōni is a food that is eaten during Oshōgatsu. It’s similar to miso soup, but usually it has mochi in it. Mochi is very stretchy, so it is used as a symbol of a long life, and people eat ozōni as a wish for long life and good fortune.

The style of ozōni differs depending on the region. In Kansai, round mochi is mainly used, but in Kantō, square mochi is used. Flavors also differ depending on the region. Some places use white miso, other places use red miso, and other places don’t use miso at all but instead use soy sauce for flavoring.

In my family, we only put mochi in our ozōni, but other families will put carrots, taro, or other ingredients in it. Even though the style is different from place to place, just about every place eats ozōni during Oshōgatsu. Toshikoshi soba at the end of the year, and New Year’s ozōni are one thing we can look forward to every year.

今月の文化 2023年12月 年越しそば

January 1st is Oshōgatsu, and the day before it is called Ōmisoka. There are many things to do on Ōmisoka, but one of them is to eat toshikoshi soba. It’s the same as regular soba, but since we eat it on Ōmisoka, it is called “toshikoshi” (end of the year) soba.

There are many reasons that soba is eaten on Ōmisoka. For example, since soba is long and thin, it serves as a symbol of a wish for long life and long-lasting familial relationships. Soba is also a healthy food, and this tradition has been going on for a long time, and so we want to eat soba on Ōmisoka when we get the chance.

Even single people living alone eat soba on Ōmisoka, and so you can buy toshikoshi soba cup noodles. When you start seeing those in stores, it feels like it will be Oshōgatsu soon!

今月の文化 2023年11月 文化の日

Culture Day is a holiday in November. It takes place every year on November 3.
Culture Day was established in 1946. It was established with the goal of promoting culture and celebrating freedom and peace.

Since fall has good weather and beautiful foliage, there are lots of events and people often go outside. Public commendations are also made on Culture Day. It’s a good day for acknowledging those who worked hard during the year.

In November, art museums and history museums also hold new openings. Everyone should try to go outside during November.

今月の文化 2023年10月 長崎くんち

One famous festival in October is the Nagasaki Kunchi. This festival has a history of nearly 400 years, and every year it attracts hundreds of sightseers. It was put on hold for 3 years during the COVID pandemic, but this year it finally resumed.

Nagasaku Kunchi is also called “Okunchi.” In this festival, each neighborhood carries a boat and dances and spins with it around in front of the Suwa shrine, and training for this festival starts in back in June. Nagasaki Kunchi started in 1634, and originally took place on the ninth day of the ninth month of the old calendar; thus it was called “Kunichi,” which eventually got shortened to just “Kunchi.”

Around 2700 sightseers gather on the shrine’s steps and around it to watch the festival. People don’t just watch; they also dance and perform together, shouting “Mottekoi!” This means “I want to see it one more time! Encore!”

It’s exciting even just to watch videos of the amazing dances and the large shrine floats of this fascinating festival.

今月の文化 2023年9月 防災の日


September 1st is Disaster Preparedness Day. The Great Kanto Earthquake took place on September 1st, 1923, and so in 1960 this date was chosen as Disaster Preparedness Day. Every year on September 1st, messages about being prepared for a disaster are released, and on that weekend disaster preparedness drills are held all over.


Also, September is typhoon season, so there are a lot of disasters. It’s important for people to be prepared to quickly evacuate. The items we should prepare are a backpack with water, emergency rations, a radio, a flashlight, lighter, gloves, a first aid kit, and warm clothes. Water and emergency rations can expire, so on Disaster Preparedness Day, many people open their backpacks and check the expiry dates on their supplies.

今月の文化 2023年8月 花火大会

Fireworks festivals are one of the typical events that take place during the summer. Various fireworks festivals are held all over Japan. When the coronavirus began to spread, many fireworks festivals were canceled, but this year many festivals are taking place after a 3 year hiatus.

There are several famous fireworks festivals in Japan, and one that appears in the news frequently is “Ōkyoku no Hanabi” of Taisen City in Akita Prefecture. This is one of Japan’s top three fireworks festivals. I saw it on TV once, and it’s a bit different from normal fireworks festivals because it is viewed as a convention of the pyrotechnists’ technical skills. It gets very crowded, so I’ve never gone there in person, but I think it’s a very nice fireworks festival.

Every year, you can see unique fireworks at fireworks festivals. I went to one fireworks festival this year, and I saw wonderful kinds of fireworks that I had never seen before. It was a great experience.

今月の文化 2023年7月 怪談

The scary and strange stories found in every part of Japan are called kaidan. Starting around the Edo period, people have been telling scary stories in order to feel a chill and stay cool on hot summer nights. For that reason, the season for telling scary stories in Japan is of course summertime.

Even today kaidan are popular, and whenever summer comes around there are kaidan events all around, and you can watch kaidan specials and ghost photograph programs on broadcast TV. When watching TV during summer break as children, it was always these kinds of programs.

The most common settings for kaidan are large buildings like schools and hospitals. Every part of Japan has stories about ghosts appearing in empty schools at night, or strange sounds being heard. Places that during the day are full of people and lively become very quiet at night, and maybe that gap causes them to be even scarier.

This year the entire world is experiencing hot days, so please try listening to kaidan and cooking yourself off.

今月の文化 2023年6月 ジューンブライド(和装)

Women who get married in June are called “June brides,” and it is said that they will find happiness. This concept was brought to Japan from Europe, and it doesn’t go back far into Japanese history. Wedding styles and conventions have changed quite a bit from how they were in the past..

June in Japan is the rainy season, so there are many rainy days and outdoor events are not that great. But since the weather isn’t too hot, maybe it’s good for wearing a kimono or dress.

The traditional hanayome bridal costume that has been passed down from old times in Japan is a shiromuku white kimono topped with a large white headdress called a wataboushi. The hair is done in a special hairstyle called bunkintakashimada. These days many people have short hair, so many people wear a wig. Ceremonies are held at shrines or temples, but recently many people also hold them in large wedding halls.

After the ceremnony there is a banquet party called a hirouen. There, the bride wears a colorful kimono, and instead of a wataboushi she wears a headdress called a tsunokakushi. A bride in an extravagant kimono with a lovely hairstyle is very beautiful to behold.

Japanese Grammar Review