Sample post:
Hand Writing Forum are for checking your handwriting. Please scan your handwriting paper and post it here as an attachment.
1. Please leave a line between each sentence for my review.
2. You can scan the paper or take a photo with your phone. If you take a photo, please make sure it’s clear enough to read.
3. To insert your image, you can click “Attachments and other options” and Attach: “Choose File.”
4. If the attachment is too large (2 MB limit), please use an image resizer like to shrink it a bit.
Chapter 3 questions (reposted from the Writing Forum page)
1. いつも何時ごろ起きますか?
2. よくどこで買い物しますか?
3. いつも何時ぐらいにテレビを見ますか?
4. よくスポーツをしますか?
5. 週末はよくどこに行きますか?
6. 明日、何をしますか?
7. あなたの友達はよくあなたのうちに来ますか?
8. あなたはよく友達とバーに行きますか?
9. いつもアニメをみますか?