NihongoForum has three subscription levels: Tamago (egg), Hiyoko (chick), and Niwatori (chicken). Each level offers a different level of access and teacher attention.
Tamago ($5/month): Tamago students can access the homework questions. After you post your homework answers, I will reply to them with corrections and tips on your writing.
Hiyoko ($10/month): Hiyoko students get everything Tamago students get, but also gain access to the handwriting section. Hiyoko students can upload their handwritten answers to the month’s homework questions, and I will correct your handwritten Japanese.
Niwatori ($20/month): Niwatori students get everything that Hiyoko students get, and in addition can access the audio homework. I will record the month’s questions so you can download and listen to them wherever you go. You will record your answers to me, and I will give you advice and suggestions to improve your spoken Japanese.
To pay for your subscription, follow these instructions:
1. Click on the Subscribe link on the sidebar.
2. Select your level: Tamago, Hiyoko, or Niwatori
3. Input your registration information.
4. You will be taken to PayPal to complete the transaction securely.
After registering, you will be able to log into the website and use the forums.
Your subscription will last for one month. You can also choose to make your subscription a recurring payment with PayPal.