今月の文化 2023年1月 カニ漁解禁

There are all sorts of events and foods to enjoy once winter comes. For example, crabs. Winter is crab season. Around November, the news starts talking about the opening of crab season.

Crab season’s opening day is the day it becomes OK to fish for crabs. In order to protect crabs and make sure their numbers don’t get too low, crabbing is limited to a specific period of time. This year’s crab season opened on November 6th.

Crabbing season begins with catching female crabs, and in the latter half male crabs are caught. This crab season will end on March 20. In crabbing areas, you can eat crabs at onsen hotels and so forth.

There are some interesting phrases relating to eating crabs. For instance, if you want to make someone shut up, you should feed them crabs. For some reason, everyone becomes very quiet and focused as they remove the meat from the shells, and they eat it silently. Isn’t that funny? If there is someone around you who talks too much, how about treating them to a feast of crabs?