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今月の文化 2024年8月 八朔祭

In August, matsuri are held in various places. One of the matsuri I watched on the news recently and thought looked cool is the Hassaku Matsuri.

I saw people carrying huge constructions, and these were very unique and cool. For example, phoenixes and dragons, or samurai riding chameleons and horses. These constructions are all made from bamboo, pampas grass, or cedar, and have magnificent detail.

Hassaku means the 1st day of the 8th month in the old lunar calendar. Today, this festival is held on the first Saturday and Sunday in September.

It’s in Kumamoto, so it’s a bit far away, but I would love to go see it some time.

今月の文化 2024年7月 冷やしキュウリ

This year the Rainy Season started late, but it also feels like it is ending late too.

There are lots of rainy days, and there are areas experiencing flooding. During the rainy season, even when it rains the temperature doesn’t cool down. It is humid and very hot.

The other day when I went to Kyoto, I saw that there were lots of new stores. It’s been several years since I went to Kyoto’s Kiyomizu Temple and other sightseeing places, but the shops and restaurants have changed so much that it was a little disappointing.

Previously, there were lots of shops run by locals, like pickle stores, or shops selling decorations, teacups, ukiyoe, and so on. But recently, they’ve all been replaced by chain stores that are all very bright and sell the same foods. Popular among them are stores selling chilled cucumbers. I don’t know if these are just regular cucumbers or pickled cucumbers since I didn’t buy them, but they were priced at an expensive 500 yen each. That’s even more expensive than a plastic bottle of tea. It’s a strange product, but people were buying them so I suppose they must be delicious.

今月の文化 2024年6月 紫陽花

During springtime, the cherry blossom is of course the most famous flower in Japan. However, once it becomes June and the rainy season begins, the flower that can be seen blooming all over is the hydrangea. When we see hydrangeas, we immediately feel that the rainy season is here. I think it is the best example of a June flower.

Hydrangea flowers are usually purple or blue, but recently there have been some different kinds of hydrangeas, and we can enjoy many varieties. There are pink, white, and even red varieties, and also varieties with differently shaped flowers.

When I was a kid, every time I saw hydrangeas there were always snails on them, but recently I haven’t been seeing snails as often. I wonder if it’s because it’s gotten too hot…

今月の文化 2024年5月 メーデー

May has many events, and one event which takes place every year on May 1st is May Day. This is an event celebrating laborers, and it began as a European festival of spring.

In Japan it is not celebrated in any specific way, but it takes place during Golden Week, so big companies just treat the entire begining of May as a vacation. For this year’s Golden Week, April 30 through May 2nd were not days off, but many people who took these days off had a 9 day long vacation lasting from April 27 (Sat) until May 6 (Sun).

May Day events take place in big cities on May 1st. In Tokyo, even the Prime Minister appeared at one of these events. He spoke about protecting the rights of laborers. I’ve never been to one of these events, but they look fun, with things like food stalls for children to participate in. As the weather gets nicer, it’s good to see an increase in events.

今月の文化 2024年4月 花見団子

April is the month of hanami. And hanami is a time for delicious food and sake. This time, I’d like to introduce the famous hanami food “hanami dango.”

Hanami dango are dumplings that come in the three colors red (or pink), white, and green, on a stick. They are sweet, and each of the three colored dumplings has a slightly different flavor. If you buy them in the supermarket, they seem like they all have the same flavor, but if you buy them from a traditional wagashi store, the red ones taste like ume (plum), the white ones taste like regular dumplings, and the green ones taste like yomogi (mugwort). Yomogi is a bit bitter, but tastes really good when eaten alongside sweet dumplings. There are also places that use matcha instead of yomogi.

There are several theories as to why we use red, white, and green dango. One is that red and white are together called kōhaku, and are an auspicious pair of colors, while green is supposedly effective as a charm against evil spirits. Since the red dango often looks pink, the colors pink, white, and green are also the colors of sakura trees.

When we see three-colored dango in the supermarkets, we feel like spring is here. It’s exciting when the seasons change!

今月の文化 2024年3月 高山ひな祭り

Hina Matsuri is a spring festival in which households with young girls put up their hina dolls. It usually takes place on March 3, but in Hida-Takayama it is very cold and spring comes late, so there the festival takes place on April 3.

The Takayama Hina Matsuri is celebrated from March 1 to April 3, and hotels and ryokan around Takayama display all kinds of hina dolls.

There are places where old dolls dating back to the Meiji period are displayed, as well as exhibitions of collections of hina dolls from families that no longer use them. Usually these are free to the public to see, so I’d like to go see them some time.

Takayama’s famous spots are mostly near the train station, so it’s a very convenient city. Recently it has become a popular destination for tourists from foreign countries, and so the town’s signs are written in many languages, making it easy for foreigners to get around.

今月の文化 2024年2月 さっぽろ雪まつり

The Sapporo Snow Festival is one of Japan’s big winter events. This year it took place from February 4 to 11. There was little snow this year, but they gathered snow from several areas to make the snow sculptures.

The giant snow sculptures along the main street are one of the Sapporo Snow Festival’s famous features. Every year there are snow sculptures of whatever was famous that year. They light them up at night, so it is very beautiful. This year’s themes included baseball player Ōtani Shōhei and anime characters. Even though it’s very cold, idol concerts and other events are held outdoors.

I’d like to see it some time, but it seems really crowded so I haven’t gone. Hokkaido is far from big cities like Tokyo, but it’s a very good spot for tourism. The snow in winter is beautiful, and the summers are cool and you can see lots of animals. You should definitely try visiting there.

今月の文化 2024年1月 お雑煮

Ozōni is a food that is eaten during Oshōgatsu. It’s similar to miso soup, but usually it has mochi in it. Mochi is very stretchy, so it is used as a symbol of a long life, and people eat ozōni as a wish for long life and good fortune.

The style of ozōni differs depending on the region. In Kansai, round mochi is mainly used, but in Kantō, square mochi is used. Flavors also differ depending on the region. Some places use white miso, other places use red miso, and other places don’t use miso at all but instead use soy sauce for flavoring.

In my family, we only put mochi in our ozōni, but other families will put carrots, taro, or other ingredients in it. Even though the style is different from place to place, just about every place eats ozōni during Oshōgatsu. Toshikoshi soba at the end of the year, and New Year’s ozōni are one thing we can look forward to every year.

今月の文化 2023年12月 年越しそば

January 1st is Oshōgatsu, and the day before it is called Ōmisoka. There are many things to do on Ōmisoka, but one of them is to eat toshikoshi soba. It’s the same as regular soba, but since we eat it on Ōmisoka, it is called “toshikoshi” (end of the year) soba.

There are many reasons that soba is eaten on Ōmisoka. For example, since soba is long and thin, it serves as a symbol of a wish for long life and long-lasting familial relationships. Soba is also a healthy food, and this tradition has been going on for a long time, and so we want to eat soba on Ōmisoka when we get the chance.

Even single people living alone eat soba on Ōmisoka, and so you can buy toshikoshi soba cup noodles. When you start seeing those in stores, it feels like it will be Oshōgatsu soon!

今月の文化 2023年11月 文化の日

Culture Day is a holiday in November. It takes place every year on November 3.
Culture Day was established in 1946. It was established with the goal of promoting culture and celebrating freedom and peace.

Since fall has good weather and beautiful foliage, there are lots of events and people often go outside. Public commendations are also made on Culture Day. It’s a good day for acknowledging those who worked hard during the year.

In November, art museums and history museums also hold new openings. Everyone should try to go outside during November.