今月の文化 2020年 11月 みんなで協力しよう

Thanksgiving falls at the end of November. Not every country has a Thanksgiving holiday, but in America most people travel to their hometowns to have Thanksgiving dinner with their families.

Unfortunately, this year it is difficult to gather together with families. Even in Japan, coronavirus is coming back again, and it is being called the third wave of the pandemic.

This year has been eventful. In Japan, March through May saw the first wave of coronavirus, along with a state of emergency and the start of telework, the closing of stores, classes moving online, and the disappearance of people walking around on the streets. After that, the energy gradually returned only to be hit by a second wave in August. People traveling during summer vacation were the apparent cause of the second wave. Now it’s the third wave, and even though there is no long holiday like summer vacation, the number of infections is increasing. Most likely, people growing tired of all the infection prevention measures and underestimating the dangers of the virus, foregoing wearing masks, and gathering in large groups again are the causes of this third wave.

Certainly there are plenty of patients experiencing mild or no symptoms, and the virus might not seem so terrible to many people, but thinking about it from the perspective of health care workers, it really is best to practice proper prevention measures. In hospitals, there are many people who are working hard without complaining, trying not to get infected. When someone with COVID enters a hospital, their hospital room becomes a special private room and other people are not allowed in, meaning that hospitals are not able to treat as many people or earn much income. Hospital workers are exhausted, both physically and mentally. Because hospital income is decreasing, their salaries are also being cut. Even though they are working so hard, to have their salaries cut must be so upsetting for them. On top of that, many people are beginning to discriminate against healthcare workers. It’s a tragic situation.

If many people start acting with only their own self interest mind, society cannot hold together. We should act while keeping the people around us and the people all living in the same society as us in mind. I hope that we can all get through this pandemic together, peacefully and calmly.