今月の漢字 2017年7月
みなさん こんにちは。
July has ended! How is your summer so far?
Here in Japan it is super hot. It’s very humid, so it feels hotter than the actual temperature.
Is there a custom of sending greeting cards in July in your country? In Japan, people send cards called “shochu-mimai.” Shochu-mimai is sent in July. It shows you care about people whom you don’t see often or who take care of you.
Since it’s a common thing to do in Japan, I’ll tell you about shochu-mimai this month.
To start writing a 暑中見舞い, you should use a fixed phrase such as;
暑中見舞い申し上げます (“Best wishes for the summer season”)
猛暑(もうしょ)が続いておりますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか (“How are you getting along in this super hot weather?”)
日頃(ひごろ)よりいろいろとお世話になりながらも、ご無沙汰(ぶさた)しておりまして申し訳ございません (“Even though you’ve been extra good to me, I’m sorry for not writing sooner.”)
おかげさまで私ども一同(いちどう)、相変わらず元気に暮らしておりますのでご安心ください (“Thanks to you, we are all healthy as usual, so please don’t be worried.”).
Then write about yourself, ask more questions about them, or make a wish for them. Finally, write the date you mail the card.