今月の漢字 2017年7月 (暑中見舞い)

今月の漢字 2017年7月

みなさん こんにちは。


July has ended! How is your summer so far?
Here in Japan it is super hot. It’s very humid, so it feels hotter than the actual temperature.

Is there a custom of sending greeting cards in July in your country? In Japan, people send cards called “shochu-mimai.” Shochu-mimai is sent in July. It shows you care about people whom you don’t see often or who take care of you.
Since it’s a common thing to do in Japan, I’ll tell you about shochu-mimai this month.



To start writing a 暑中見舞い, you should use a fixed phrase such as;

暑中見舞い申し上げます (“Best wishes for the summer season”)

猛暑(もうしょ)が続いておりますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか (“How are you getting along in this super hot weather?”)

日頃(ひごろ)よりいろいろとお世話になりながらも、ご無沙汰(ぶさた)しておりまして申し訳ございません (“Even though you’ve been extra good to me, I’m sorry for not writing sooner.”)

おかげさまで私ども一同(いちどう)、相変わらず元気に暮らしておりますのでご安心ください (“Thanks to you, we are all healthy as usual, so please don’t be worried.”).

Then write about yourself, ask more questions about them, or make a wish for them. Finally, write the date you mail the card.

今月の漢字 2017年6月



June is the beginning of the rainy season.
It’s been changing between hot and humid and sometimes very cold. Many people catch colds during this time. I had a cold for about a week. I felt that the sickness didn’t go away quickly due to the unstable weather.
I like rainy days. I enjoy looking at the dark sky, but I hate humidity. Do you like the rainy season?



It’s been very humid and hot lately in Japan. This annoying weather is called 梅雨(つゆ) in Japanese. It’s a type of wet season found in East Asia. It usually occurs in May, June, and July. The day it starts is called 梅雨入り(つゆいり) and the day it finishes is called 梅雨明け(つゆあけ). Many people don’t like this season. Some people think 梅雨 is unique to Japan, but the word 梅雨actually comes from China. This wet season affects many countries throughout East Asia.

Other words that use 雨 are
1)豪雨(ごうう):Very heavy rain. Sometimes it causes flooding.
2)秋雨(あきさめ):Rain during autumn
3)雷雨(らいう):Rain and thunder
4)風雨(ふうう):Strong wind and rain
5)時雨(しぐれ):Spitting rain in the fall
6)五月雨(さみだれ):Long rain in the 梅雨 season

Have a great Tsuyu!

今月の漢字 2017年5月



There is a string of holidays in May called Golden Week, so this month I am going to introduce a word instead of a single kanji: 連休.
連休 means more than 2 holidays in a row. If there are 2 holidays in a row, it’s called 2連休. If there are 3 holidays in a row, it’s called 3連休. Golden Week means there are many days off, so people sometimes call it 大型連休. The holidays of Golden Week were April 29th, May 3rd, 4th, and 5th. It makes for a very long holiday when you add in Saturday and Sunday.


There are many festivals and events during Golden Week. A lot of people go out for vacation, so the highways are often packed. For that reason, I don’t like going out during Golden Week.

①連休にイギリスに行ってきました。I went to England during the holidays.
②今度の連休に友達と遊ぶ予定です。I’m going to see my friends this holiday.
③連休中(れんきゅうちゅう)の予定は何ですか? What is your plan for the holidays?


今月の漢字 2017年4月

みなさん こんにちは。


As I wrote in last month’s blog, April is the season of new meetings. This month, entrance ceremonies were held at schools all over Japan, the cherry blossoms bloomed, and hanami parties were held. So many fun events occur in April. The weather was calm and nice this year, so we were able to enjoy the cherry blossom for a long time. A lot of people gathered under the gorgeous cherry blossom trees. It was very lively.


桜: (音読み「オウ」)(訓読み「さくら」)

The meaning of this kanji is:
1. 木の名前。
Words use this kanji are:
桜色(さくらいろ) Cherry blossom color
葉桜(はざくら) Green leafed sakura (the cherry blossom trees after their flowers fall and green leaves appear)
夜桜(よざくら) Night sakura; 夜桜見物 (よざくらけんぶつ) Doing hanami at night
秋桜(あきざくら/コスモス) Cosmos (flower); It blooms in the fall and the color is similar to the cherry blossom’s.
芝桜(しばざくら) Phlox; Hokkaido is famous for its beautiful phlox.

See you in May!

今月の漢字 2017年3月


3月もあっという間におわってしまいましたね。日本では3月は別れの時(time of farewell)と呼ばれています。3月は一年度の終わりで、4月からまた新しい年度(新年度)が始まるからです。


March is almost over already. In Japan, March is called “the time of farewell.” March marks the end of nendo, and the new nendo (shin’nendo) starts in April. Nendo is a way to count the years different from the Gregorian calendar. Nendo marks the financial year and the academic year. Companies, banks, the government, and schools use nendo, so schools in Japan start in April instead of September.

In March, there are many “farewell” events such as graduations, retirements, job transfers,
etc. In April, there are many “new meeting” events like school and company entrances ceremonies. You have to file your taxes by the end of March too.

For this reason, this month’s kanji is 別.

別: (音読み「ベツ」)(訓読み「わかれる」)

The meanings of this kanji are:
2. 色々なものを分けること。分け方。
3. メインのものとちがうもの。

Example usage for 別 is as follows:
1. 別居(べっきょ:separation, live separately), 死別(しべつ:loss, separated by death->彼女は夫と死別したshe lost her husband), 送別(そうべつfarewell
2. 区別(くべつdifferentiation), 差別(さべつ:segregation), 個別(こべつ:individually, separately)
3. 別館(べっかん:annex), 別荘(べっそうsecond house, vacation house)

Example sentences:
1. 私は明日(あした)やまださんの送別会(そうべつかい)に参加(さんか)します。(I will participate in Mr. Yamada’s farewell party.)
2. 障害者を差別することがたいへんな問題になっている。(Segregation of disable people is a very big problem.)
3. 海が見える所に別荘を買いました。(I bought a second house in a place with an ocean view.)

There are a lot of words that use別, so it’s a useful kanji to remember. A common phrase using 別 is出会いもあれば別れもある (every new meeting includes a parting). Seeing people leave is sad, but leaving and meeting are pairs. We cannot avoid that. April is called 出会いの季節 (“the season for new meetings”). New adventures are going to start soon!

See you in April

今月の漢字 2017年2月



The meanings of this kanji are
1. snow
2. rinse

Example usage for 雪 is as follows:
1. 新雪 (しんせつ: fresh snow), 豪雪 (ごうせつ: blizzard), 残雪 (ざんせつ: snow that is still left after the sun melts the rest of snow.), 初雪 (はつゆき: first snow)
2. 雪辱 (せつじょく:to get revenge after losing and regain honor.)

Example sentence:
1. 新雪はやわらかいので、いつも初雪が降るとスキーをします。
Fresh snow is soft, so I always go skiing when the first snow falls.
2. 今回は負けてしまったけど、次回は必ず雪辱します!
Well, I lost this time, but next time I will definitely get revenge!

There are a lot more words using 雪 such as 積雪 (せきせつ), 除雪 (じょせつ), 降雪 (こうせつ), 粉雪 (こなゆき), etc. There are other words which have difficult reading: 雪崩 (なだれ), 吹雪 (ふぶき), 雪駄 (せった). This kanji is easy because most of the words are related to snow. It’s easy to guess the meanings. I’ve attached a picture of my snowy hometown. The snow-covered mountains are gorgeous.

今月の漢字 2017年1月




The meanings of this kanji are
1. new
2. fresh

Example usage for 新 is as follows:
1. 新年 (しんねん: new year), 更新 (こうしん: renew).
2. 新鮮 (しんせん: fresh), 新人 (しんじん: freshman).

Example sentence:


Happy new year. Please be kind to me this year too.

People send 年賀状(ねんがじょう)in the new year in Japan. These are like Christmas cards in the US. It’s common to send them to everybody you know. They usually have quick messages including the phrase above. Sometimes they include pictures of the new year’s zodiac animal. (2017 is the year of the rooster – just like this blog!) The phrase above is a typical New Year’s greeting. The second part(今年もよろしくおねがいします)is hard to translate. It says, “Please take care of me this year too.” It sounds weird, but it means, “Thanks to you, I had a great year last year, so please continue keep in touch with me.”

A lot of things are changing in the US this year. A new congress, new senators, and a new president. New things aren’t necessary good, but new things always contain hope. I chose this kanji for this month with hope for America’s and Japan’s future.

今月の漢字 2016年12月


I will introduce one kanji per month.



The meanings of this kanji are:
1. disappear
2. die
3. run and hide

Example usage for 亡 is as follows:
1. 滅亡 (めつぼう: extinction)
2. 死亡 (しぼう: death), 未亡人 (みぼうじん: widow)
3. 逃亡 (とうぼう: evading, escape), 亡命 (ぼうめい: defection)

Example sentence:
A few days ago, Carrie Fisher passed away. It’s so sad.

People use 亡 when they talk about death. This is a polite version of 死ぬ. You can use 亡 to talk about your family’s death or other people’s death. Other ways to describe death are 他界する (たかい) and 永眠する(えいみん) and so on. 他 means “other” and 界 means “world,” so 他界する means to go to the other world. 永 means “forever” and 眠 means “sleep,” so永眠するmeans to sleep forever. I think the people who created these words to describe death had a nice imagination.

亡 is a sad word, but it’s very useful. It’s like saying “pass away” instead of “die.” You don’t want to say “When did your father die?” to your grieving friend.

How was today’s Kanji lesson?

I will decide next the kanji based on what happens next month. 🙂


Japanese Grammar Review